Author Archives: janli


ARTIFACT The thesis is to test other form of architecture solution in dealing with the conflict of urbanization and wild-life zones other than traditional urban zoos and touch upon the tentative relationship which can neither be concluded as intimate nor


ARTIFACT The thesis is to test other form of architecture solution in dealing with the conflict of urbanization and wild-life zones other than traditional urban zoos and touch upon the tentative relationship which can neither be concluded as intimate nor


History Michel Foucault’s concept of panopticism focuses on the governing and inspection on human subjects and is known as the prototype for early prisons. The concept is also applied to discipline human into human-nature relationship back then. For instance, Tower


History Michel Foucault’s concept of panopticism focuses on the governing and inspection on human subjects and is known as the prototype for early prisons. The concept is also applied to discipline human into human-nature relationship back then. For instance, Tower


In “Animals and Architecture”, David Hancocks stated “ It is time to ignore what other zoos do. Nature is the norm. If it was, zoos would come to recognize their inability to meet the needs of charismatic mega-fauna in urban


In “Animals and Architecture”, David Hancocks stated “ It is time to ignore what other zoos do. Nature is the norm. If it was, zoos would come to recognize their inability to meet the needs of charismatic mega-fauna in urban