Posts Tagged 'Draft 2.0'


Thesis statement Contemporary architectural representation participates in the economy of the spectacular image. The purchasing of luxury goods to associate imagery with status in greater society is directly related with architecture firms purchasing boutique renderings for their project competition entries.


Thesis statement Contemporary architectural representation participates in the economy of the spectacular image. The purchasing of luxury goods to associate imagery with status in greater society is directly related with architecture firms purchasing boutique renderings for their project competition entries.


History Michel Foucault’s concept of panopticism focuses on the governing and inspection on human subjects and is known as the prototype for early prisons. The concept is also applied to discipline human into human-nature relationship back then. For instance, Tower


History Michel Foucault’s concept of panopticism focuses on the governing and inspection on human subjects and is known as the prototype for early prisons. The concept is also applied to discipline human into human-nature relationship back then. For instance, Tower

4Dx GENERATION: Architecture Without Actual Space

ARTIFACT “I don’t find the purely virtual terribly exciting, just as in the same way, I don’t find the purely real terribly exciting.  I like to see what happens when the two collide – the tensions that are created between them.” –

4Dx GENERATION: Architecture Without Actual Space

ARTIFACT “I don’t find the purely virtual terribly exciting, just as in the same way, I don’t find the purely real terribly exciting.  I like to see what happens when the two collide – the tensions that are created between them.” –

Towards Weather-Architecture

The protection forest is made up of architectural above-ground “great walls” and underground “great walls”.   WHAT In order to make changes of exterior climate can be perceived strongly by buildings’ occupants. Then elements of weather should be able to

Towards Weather-Architecture

The protection forest is made up of architectural above-ground “great walls” and underground “great walls”.   WHAT In order to make changes of exterior climate can be perceived strongly by buildings’ occupants. Then elements of weather should be able to


Artifact The thesis topic is to explore the potential of ice shell as a kind of natural-formed structure using in the winter-land city. Due to its characteristic, icy structure could be temporarily used yet leave nothing behind in spring.  


Artifact The thesis topic is to explore the potential of ice shell as a kind of natural-formed structure using in the winter-land city. Due to its characteristic, icy structure could be temporarily used yet leave nothing behind in spring.