

\u201cArchitecture is both about space and about the events that take place in that space…Space is temporal because we move through it; time is spatial because, as architects, space is what we construct. It is through space that we are capable of addressing time. But time also exists to activate our spaces, occasionally transforming them by challenging perceptions of their boundaries.\u201d
\n– Bernard Tschumi, 2000<\/p>\n

This thesis aims to explore scenographic potential of architecture with tectonic and perspective in relation to context. In-between space will be potential site where MISE EN SCENE of urban space foster movement and events. With new forms of media (visual and audio projection, interaction with mobile device, motion tracking technology) which add heights to the spatial configuration and experience in the digital age.<\/p>\n



The potential site for the thesis will include but not limited to the following criteria: 1) Urban void\/ in-between space, 2) Allow centrifugal movement, 3) Linear journey from individual to collective, and 4) Vertical complexity. The scale of the project will be from a linear journey, street\/alley (individual entry) to an urban open space (collective use) in which events and varying use of space are fostered with the configuration of tectonic, perspective and contemporary media. The linear space will act as a force of urban event generator by attracting flow of movement from adjacent architecture\/ space. Occasional transformation of spatial configuration will challenge users\u2019 perception about the boundaries and provoke creative use of the space.<\/p>\n

Urban void\/in-between space is preferable as tectonic\/ media used in that test case may partially be parasitic in nature or work with integrating into existing structure. In-between spaces also allows the experience to be projected to adjacent program with vertical complexity, and ideally pull a larger pool of viewers into the event. Linear space is desired as the use of perspective requires high precision and control on the viewer\u2019s position for delivering the experience. Vertical complexity allows multi-level access and interaction in both visual and physical way.<\/p>\n

Proposed site would be the abandoned bus depot (in red) and the adjacent urban fabric(alleys, flyovers and open space) in Kwun Tong depict the above site qualities. The site is situated in the context of Energizing Kowloon East movement where scattered cultural events take place along the promenade yet rather disconnected to the north side of Kwun Tong Road.<\/p>\n



The role of theatre architecture and performace-audience relationship has been evolved according to the change of social situation and con[text]. Permanent architecturql features in times of Greek and Reinassance theatre depict a distinct social hierarchy and passive audience role, while the thrust and site-specific stage in 20th Century aims to foster dynamic reciprocal exchange of energy between performers and viewers, allowing them to involve on bodily, visceral and intellectural terms.<\/p>\n

Theatre architecture breaks through from the interiority and engage with its environment where the context with multiple inputs replace the set text to be delivered in traditional scenographic design. Spatial configuration and orchestration of movement becomes important elements in the creation of multiple realities.<\/p>\n

The focus of the thesis is on how scenographic techniques with the interplay of tectonic and perspective are integrated into the context, and to restructure the static relationship of space and event, where \u201cArchitecture ceases to be a backdrop for actions, becoming the action itself\u201d.<\/p>\n



To develop prototype of different spatial configuration in triggering activities from digital to physical model. Design and explore spatial qualities from passersby\u2019s perspective.
\nStep 01
\n– Identify specific spatial qulities from test case to develop the urban scenography of linear journey
\n– Develop perspective drawings and walk-through digital model at 3 levels\/ moments
\nStep 02
\n– Develop prototypes of space and event base on the refined walk-through digital model
\n– Build the spatial configuration in relation to the walk-through experience at scale 1:50
\nStep 03
\n– Explore the materiality and integration of media
\n– Develop 1:5\/1:10 connection detail models and drawings
\nStep 04
\n– Build a 1:1 prototype and bring it on the test case for social experiment
\n– Render the picturesque of full operation in perspective drawings and animation<\/p>\n


Seminal Texts
\n1. Kevin Lynch, 1960, The Image of the City
\n2. Lewis Mumfold,1937, What is a City
\n3. Henri Lefebvre, 1991, The Production of Space
\nContemporary Texts
\n1. Bernard Tschumi, 1996, Architecture and Disjunction, The MIT Press
\n2. Joslin McKinney, Philip Butterworth, 2009, The Cambridge introduction to scenography
\n3. Michael McKinnie, 2007, City Stages: Theatre & Urban Space in a Global City, University of Toronto Press
\n4. Anna Birch and Joanne Tompkins, 2012, Performing Site-Specific Theatre, Palgrave Macmillan
\nMethodology research
\n1. Guido Incerti, 2007, Diller + Scofidio (+ Renfro), the ciliary function : works and projects, 1979-2007, Milano: Skira
\n2. Gwen White, 2003, Perspective: a guide for artists, architects and designers, BT Batsford London<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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