Author Archives: hugh

V2.0 Poiesis Repercussion

Poiesis Repercussion What Rethink Architecture: Process between new and old, from man-made to nature made. My hypothesis is if the process of ruination can help building construct the sense of place, to transform its shape and respond to external forces

V2.0 Poiesis Repercussion

Poiesis Repercussion What Rethink Architecture: Process between new and old, from man-made to nature made. My hypothesis is if the process of ruination can help building construct the sense of place, to transform its shape and respond to external forces

Poiesis Repercussion

  Fig.1. Rene MAgritte. “The Castle of the Pyrenees, 1959” Access September 23. 2016. “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Sain-Exupery, 1943 The objective of this thesis is

Poiesis Repercussion

  Fig.1. Rene MAgritte. “The Castle of the Pyrenees, 1959” Access September 23. 2016. “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Sain-Exupery, 1943 The objective of this thesis is