Author Archives: Hurakan


[STATEMENT] Automobiles and roads are zipper if cities is a piece of fabric. Today it has been unzipped, the objective of this thesis is to study how to zip and what will happen after zipping. This thesis examines the possibilities of removing


[STATEMENT] Automobiles and roads are zipper if cities is a piece of fabric. Today it has been unzipped, the objective of this thesis is to study how to zip and what will happen after zipping. This thesis examines the possibilities of removing


Automobiles and roads are just like zippers. In contemporary cities, automobiles and roads penetrate into every corners of the cities because of speed and convenience. They are like opened zippers as the city is divided into many fragmented pieces. What


Automobiles and roads are just like zippers. In contemporary cities, automobiles and roads penetrate into every corners of the cities because of speed and convenience. They are like opened zippers as the city is divided into many fragmented pieces. What