Author Archives: kenlauky


BACKGROUND Shadow comes with the creation of every object, it is the very evidence of existence. However the form and material changes, shadow is the common ground element that connects all architectural designs. Yet, shadow isn’t that ‘common’ a phenomenon


BACKGROUND Shadow comes with the creation of every object, it is the very evidence of existence. However the form and material changes, shadow is the common ground element that connects all architectural designs. Yet, shadow isn’t that ‘common’ a phenomenon


Shadow has always come with the creation of objects. Whether intended or not, its effect on the experience of architecture cannot be overlooked; yet, very little progress has been made in terms of designing around with shadows. Shadow can enhance


Shadow has always come with the creation of objects. Whether intended or not, its effect on the experience of architecture cannot be overlooked; yet, very little progress has been made in terms of designing around with shadows. Shadow can enhance