Author Archives: viclamcf

Adaptive Metabolism in regenerating decaying industrial building in Hong Kong

The thesis is to critically examine the notion of sustainable architecture by rereading Metabolist theories and method. To explore ways to regenerate decaying industrial building with the adaptive approach in cope with the innovation of metabolic structure system.   Industrialization

Adaptive Metabolism in regenerating decaying industrial building in Hong Kong

The thesis is to critically examine the notion of sustainable architecture by rereading Metabolist theories and method. To explore ways to regenerate decaying industrial building with the adaptive approach in cope with the innovation of metabolic structure system.   Industrialization

Industrial building regeneration within metabolic cycle

Since 1980s, core of industrial development has shifted to mainland, where the industrial factory were gently replaced by the another uses. Many existing industrial buildings were seeking another way to keeping its values or extent its duration rather than demolish

Industrial building regeneration within metabolic cycle

Since 1980s, core of industrial development has shifted to mainland, where the industrial factory were gently replaced by the another uses. Many existing industrial buildings were seeking another way to keeping its values or extent its duration rather than demolish