Cultural Identity Reassurance

“Hong Kong – China conflict” has become an issue that does not only exist in the words of politicians but also in the everyday life of every Hongkonger, from education and job opportunities, language crisis, to shortage of milk powder and habitat.

With this growing tension even before the Umbrella Movement, there is an emerge of localism and independence. The thesis aims to respond to the desire for cultural identity reassurance under the agenda of localism.

Potential Topics:

1.Boundary condition in the North East New Territories

North East New Territories Development Plan has created the imbalance between development and local farming industries and ecology. To engage with the already existing eco-tourism and art activities in Ping Che, there are possibilities to create a sustainable style of living while accommodating the needs of housing for both Hongkonger and Chinese.

2. Vernacular Architecture

Highrises in International Styles has become a dominating form in Hong Kong which makes the city appear to be another metropolitan. However, the density and repetition of facades have already developed into a semiotic that is specific in Hong Kong.The semiotics drawn from different objects and pattern can create a new type of architecture with vernacular qualities that can establish the cultural identity of Hong Kong.

3. Independence in Virtual Country

From Occupy Wall Street and Umbrella Movement, it is learnt that the information transferred in virtual public space (internet) has influence over, or is the direct cause of the events happening in real space.

As the replacing of first language from Cantonese to Mandarin, the culture of Hong Kong will be diminishing and the history of Hong Kong will be slowly replaced by the history of China. To preserve and continue to develop the soft power of Hong Kong in terms of culture and values, a virtual space is maintained to allow the free flow of information in case of the collapse of system and fail of policy in Hong Kong. This virtual space will be independent of the reality and create a community of virtual citizen. Education, performance, exhibition and conversation can be carried out through the virtual space by the citizen. When in the time of conflict or specific moment of the year (1st July, 1st Oct), temporary structure will be built in reality to facilitate protest or rebellion, which the virtual citizen will come to reality.

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