Deconstruction of Music and Reorganization of Architecture

The thesis attempts to translate a piece of music into an architectural form and spatial relationship. Music and architecture share many similar attributes and logic. They both put basic modules together sensibly to realize a holistic atmosphere, where order, hierarchy and aesthetics lie.

I am interested in deconstructing a musical piece to understand the effect of the structure and looking at if the deconstructed elements have their counterparts in architectural language. For example, music consists of sound and silence, while architecture consists of solid and void. I hope to engage music with architecture beyond the metaphorical sense, and to use music to set up a form-finding methodology, to explore the possibility of underlying spatial logic, and most importantly, to celebrate the potential of theatricality that architecture has the capacity to embrace.

Cited on Sep. 23rd, 2016,

Cited on Sep. 23rd, 2016,

Iannis Xenakis: Music and Architecture: Architectural Projects, Texts, and Realizations

Iannis Xenakis: Music and Architecture: Architectural Projects, Texts, and Realizations

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