Author Archives: u3516865

Temporariness &Archicycle

This thesis develops on the belief that architecture can mediate between different conditions in scope of time and space. Starting from material’s ( textile) property research ,it provokes a new method of exploring sculpting geometries’ profile from two dimensional frames

Temporariness &Archicycle

This thesis develops on the belief that architecture can mediate between different conditions in scope of time and space. Starting from material’s ( textile) property research ,it provokes a new method of exploring sculpting geometries’ profile from two dimensional frames

Temporariness &Archicycle

  ”Textile art is a primordial art .It originates from itself and from concepts analogous to structure of nature. All other arts, including architecture, borrow their archetypes from textile art” -Gottfried Semper Why The introduction of concrete, steel and elevator

Temporariness &Archicycle

  ”Textile art is a primordial art .It originates from itself and from concepts analogous to structure of nature. All other arts, including architecture, borrow their archetypes from textile art” -Gottfried Semper Why The introduction of concrete, steel and elevator