Author Archives: vinccivs

Informal Agglormeration

Wall-bound Retail Space In the past, emperors attempted to shape and define people’s lives through the regulation of lived space through city infrastructure like wall system. However, it is found out that commerce were in fact more influenced by urban

Informal Agglormeration

Wall-bound Retail Space In the past, emperors attempted to shape and define people’s lives through the regulation of lived space through city infrastructure like wall system. However, it is found out that commerce were in fact more influenced by urban

Informal Agglormeration

“The mistake of the progressive commercial mind was to give undue importance to those modes of circulation that promised the highest financial return: this led the planner to overlook the role of the foot-walker, and the need for retaining the

Informal Agglormeration

“The mistake of the progressive commercial mind was to give undue importance to those modes of circulation that promised the highest financial return: this led the planner to overlook the role of the foot-walker, and the need for retaining the