Tactile way of conservation in Huizhou district




In Huizhou, Anhui Province, there are many villages left a large number of historical houses which were built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The most two famous villages are Xi di and Hong village, these villages were listed as a world cultural heritage so these still retain the period of unique architectural style and village appearance. But in other part of areas in Huizhou, some of the similar but smaller ancient villages are facing the fate of abandonment or even demolishment.

Why is it happened

  1. The function of the historical residential building can not meet the needs of modern life
  2. Large number of natural or man-made damage make these buildings cannot be used.
  3. The migration of the inhabitants leads these buildings to abandonment.


What are the exist countermeasures solving this problem?

  1. Repair the damaged (The annual repair costs could be enormous)
  2. Move the whole building to another area (The value of regional has been vanished)
  3. Transforming into a tourist area (in fact too much commercial development increase more culture damage)




What we can do for these buildings?

“Buildings are appropriated in a two-fold matter: by use and by perception – or rather by touch and sight“[1]  said by Benjamin, W. Benjamin implied that one cannot contemplate art or architecture only visually, another important parameter is the Tactile. The tactile is not only about the touch but also about the people inhabits or even the daily life. in our now days, many conservation activities are focus on the sight.it is not about the rebirth of the village. My thesis aims to use the tactile value of these historic buildings into our modern architecture to conserved thesis historical village in a spiritual way.



  1. What is the tactile way? In my opinion, the tactile in architecture means a relationship which is subconscious, requiring people to insouciance, through the daily interest-bearing labor to establish the relationship between the architecture and people. In other words, architecture is not just a symbol of the image, but also a rooted in the specific time and space or even a long-term experience. The old buildings are more alive in theology, more alive in spiritual, more alive in the feelings of the culture or even the memory.  3249065656271534799Some fragments in the daily life[2]
  2. Analysis the daily life of the village residents
  3. Analysis the formation of the village
  4. Analysis the typical spaces of the village and buildings

In this area I would introduce a new term: HUI ZHI KONG JIAN(HZKJ).HZKJ means the typical spaces in Huizhou architecture culture.it include the different shapes of residential spaces and different aggregation mode of buildings in villages.

01300000167882121758463971752_sTypical plan of residential house[3]

  1. Find a modern way from these analyses to innovated the new design or conservation design.







Benjamin, W. (1969) The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Illuminations. (H. Zohn, Trans.). New York: Schocken Books.


Hill, J. (2001) Weather Architecture (Berlin 1929-30, Barcelona 1986-, Barcelona 1999-), Architecture – the Subject is Matter (J. Hill Ed.). London: Routledge


Christian Norberg-Schulz (2000) Principles of modern architecture. London : Andreas Papadakis Publisher


丁俊杰(2010)基于建筑类型学下的“徽质空间”分析 合肥工业大学


揭鸣浩(2006)世界文化遗产宏村古村落空间解析Analysis of the Space in Hongcun Ancient Village of the World Cultural Heritage 东南大学


Online access https://book.douban.com/review/4939246/ (last view 7th Nov)


[1] 1 Benjamin, W. (1969) The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Illuminations. (H. Zohn, Trans.). New York: Schocken Books. p.240


[2] Online Access HTTP:http://a4367007.blog.163.com/blog/static/5312442220142261404834/ (last view 7th Nov)

[3]Online access http:http://tupian.baike.com/doc/%E5%BE%BD%E5%B7%9E%E5%BB%BA%E7%AD%91/a4_53_46_01300000167882121758463971752_jpg.html?prd=citiao_tuce_zhengwen (last view 7th Nov)

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