Composite Reformulation – Vertical urbanism


Low-power image of osteoporotic bone architecture. – Tim Arnett

The spatial quality of high-rise typology has long been resisted by rigid structure. Rather than Dense packing, a multiple-dimensional structural system will be an alternative instrument for spatial imaginations within vertical architecture that improve the communicative intensification between individual floor plates. Although previous advancements have proven building efficiency and density capable;and the open plan allow flexible interior arrangement. The skyscrapers are reaching an architectural threshold with its standardised modes of production, conventional forms of representation and limitation of topology and typology. The future high-rise needs to overstep the homogeneous status quo. Already, the future must maintain evolve into mixed-use building typology for a high quality of life. The parametric structural system will be a way to improve both structural stability and the inter-relationship within a vertical volume.

Different program will required spatial quality

Tallest buildings in the world.

Is it theoretically possible for Godzilla to exist in biological form, though altered in a way? – Zen Faulkes, Ph.D., 2016

“You can’t make Godzilla small and still have it be Godzilla! And that’s the biggest sticking point. When you increase the size of an animal, bone and muscle strength don’t scale up as fast as mass does. And that doesn’t allow for animals the size of Godzilla.” – Zen Faulkes

Vertical Urbanism become the trend over the world to overcome with global population growth from the past decade. The pace of skyscraper construction has significant increased and a race to design and build ever taller structure after 2001. The structure/ internal circulation or programmes must keep evolution to sustain its operation.



Methodological Processes/ Outline of Research/ Design Experiments [HOW]

Few traditional vertical building typologies will be analysis on the organisational properties of the materials, structure, flexibility to varied circulation and spatial quality.


2)Computational models to capture dynamic material conditions and to transform their attributes into new typological arrangements thought its structural performance, stability.

– Model Makings
– Digital analysis on structural parametric system

-A various combination of models would be generated and show the spatial quality and relationship that created by that structural system


Endless House, Friedrick Kiesler, 1950
Toyo Ito National Taichung Theater, Taiwan, 2014

Junya Ishigami
– Kait Workshop,Japan, 2008

Zaha Hadid Architects – City of Dreams Hotel Tower, Cotai, Macau, 2017


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