Language of Density


Thesis statement

We need a new system to increase capacity of major cities. This require a planning utility beyond the current plan-based method. To accommodate the diversity of booming society, it should also foster complexity instead of imposing monopolistic pattern.

what – Descript contexts and key ideas driver

The question is how would it look?

Human understanding of city is influenced by the technological advancement, once our understanding of future city was driven by Eastern Airline & General Motors and defined by autonomous flying cars1. In le Corbusier’s Ville radieuse we were able to flying a plane directly onto the roof of our dwelling. In the SkyCity 1000 we imagine life in a gigantic pyramid and travel through 3D lift. Visions towards ultra density often emphasis on travel/commute method or portrait industrialized living space no different from the totalitarian state in the movie ‘Brazil’, however I believe it need not to be.

As Engineers and ecologist usually inform these visions with scientific solution, often the spatial texture of these condensed spaces were overlooked, and in this thesis the emphasis is on how ultra-dense living can look beyond the engineered space.

Test Project

To apply the highest known density to Hong Kong again.

The now-defunct Kowloon Walled City had the highest density of population per square km(1.255 million)2 without governance, so the question is how one might re create such density with arrangement. Ultimately, I would attempt to apply this density on the entire Hong Kong and see if such intervention is plausible.


The thesis shall progress in such order.

  1. Understand DensityIn the first stage I will analyse the structure, connectivity, spatial quality and cultural background of a few high-dense urban areas, e.g. Dharavi in Mumbai, Tokyo Urban Area3, Centro Financiero Confinanzas in Venezuela and the Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong.alt text

    Wilfredorrh. “Vertical Slum Invasion in Caracas”

  2. Patterns

With the analysis, prototypes will be created to explore spatial models that could accommodate the ultra density.

  1. Apply onto larger scaleOnce efficient patterns are observed, I’ll attempt to apply this system onto the land of Hong Kong to examine how this system would interface with the complex land form of this city.
  2. Final Output

    “What we want to contest, however, is that this “new scale” can change the substance of and urban artefact. It is conceivable that a charge in scale modifies and urban artefact in some way; but it does not change its quality.”

    -Aldo Rossi4

A module/system that could allow a mega city to accommodate even larger population while maintaining its diversity and quality.

Annotated Bibliography /Precedents

  1. Morshed, Adnan. “Impossible Height.” pp.172 ↩︎
  2. Goddard, Charles. “The Clearance”. City of Darkness: Life in Kowloon Walled City. pp. 208–11. ↩︎
  3. Shelton, Barrie. “Learning from the Japanese City” ↩︎
  4. Rossi, Aldo. “the Architecture of the City”, p.160 ↩︎
  5. Cover image – “Tower of David”,

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