Posts Tagged 'metabolism'

Language of Density

Thesis statement We need a new system to increase capacity of major cities. This require a planning utility beyond the current plan-based method. To accommodate the diversity of booming society, it should also foster complexity instead of imposing monopolistic pattern.

Language of Density

Thesis statement We need a new system to increase capacity of major cities. This require a planning utility beyond the current plan-based method. To accommodate the diversity of booming society, it should also foster complexity instead of imposing monopolistic pattern.

Industrial building regeneration within metabolic cycle

Since 1980s, core of industrial development has shifted to mainland, where the industrial factory were gently replaced by the another uses. Many existing industrial buildings were seeking another way to keeping its values or extent its duration rather than demolish

Industrial building regeneration within metabolic cycle

Since 1980s, core of industrial development has shifted to mainland, where the industrial factory were gently replaced by the another uses. Many existing industrial buildings were seeking another way to keeping its values or extent its duration rather than demolish

Metabolic Housing

When we talk about architectural design, we always take human as the service object. We map how the pedestrian circulates, we consider how the spacial experience feels, we imagine how human activities happen; however, when we come to the housing

Metabolic Housing

When we talk about architectural design, we always take human as the service object. We map how the pedestrian circulates, we consider how the spacial experience feels, we imagine how human activities happen; however, when we come to the housing