Rejuvenate Bike Network

The Harbourfront Cycleway was advocated on Hong Kong Island for 5 years as a pioneer of public initiative for injecting bike infrastructure into this city, while the advocates found difficulties to establish such system on Kowloon Peninsula. Streets and public spaces weave to form inland networks but district-crossing cyclists suffer from hilly terrains, dangerous highway and pedestrian traffic, distance from public transport access, and biasing urban development history.

The thesis identifies topographical and infrastructural hurdles, investigates congested and mismanaged key black spots discouraging bike movement, and inverts these bike “voids” into bike transport hubs as re-connections to encourage bike-commuting populations.



BikeMaps. Accessed September 22, 2016.,114.1888046,14z.

Traces of Bike Movement in Kowloon Peninsula



Cykelslangen Cycle Bridge Copenhagen (Denmark), 2014. In CCCB REVEALS BEST PROJECTS FOR THE EUROPEAN PRIZE FOR URBAN PUBLIC SPACE 2016. July 4, 2016. Accessed September 22, 2016.



“Streets Colored by Slope in San Francisco, CA, USA.” Map. The Steeps Of San Francisco In Search Of The City’s Steepest Street. November 10, 2009. Accessed September 22, 2016.


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